Monday 10 June 2013

A little catching up

So I've been busy, or lazy or sick a lot and I haven't been here in, well, a while. A bunch of stuff has happened. Like my kid turned 2. And that was a lot of fun. I mean, I have a two year old. We survived traveling in Ontario and made it through a wedding. The little man even did his walk down the aisle like a pro. We knew he was going to look smashing in his 3 piece suit, but we didn't actually know if anyone was going to see him... mostly because we are pessimistic parents and, lets face it, he seems to know when he's supposed to do something and choose that thing as the only thing in the world he does NOT want to do. His uncle and new aunt are champs though and brought a wagon into it. Boy loves wagons. Josh got an official year older. I celebrated mothers day #3 (I was pregnant that first time, but VERY pregnant so I'm counting it. Nothing says you're already a wonderful mother when you're overdue and not complaining... too much. And ya, I just called myself a wonderful mother. This is only true some moments. But I just fixed a train track, so right now I'm doing pretty good on the mom scale.) And, oh ya, we told everyone we were pregnant for round 2. 

This baby is being much nicer than the Caed. Not to say that I haven't spent many, many a time hanging my head over the toilet (or bag in superstore as life should have it.) And evening after evening laying on the couch wanting to cry because I felt tired and sick and not like a wonderful mother, or wife or human. But that 14th week hit and I'm actually starting to feel better sometimes. Which is a huge improvement over the first time I did this.

Summer is here, the weather is nice and we get to play outside lots. Beach time and backyard time and hanging clothes on the line time. Josh has also been convinced to take us camping on his next days off. He had to be bribed with mountains, but hey, seems like a pretty decent deal to me. Now to see if this love of the mountains extends to wanting to buy me a slightly bigger tent...

One can always dream.