Tuesday 20 November 2012

This Is My First and Only

I have one kid. He is my first and my only. And he is a drama queen. What's that? I can't have a box of smarties when I first get up? I should probably throw myself on the floor and cry about that. What's that? I can't drink your cup of coffee? I should probably throw myself on the floor and cry about that. What's that? I need to put on pants before leaving the house? I should probably throw myself on the floor and cry about that. Oh yes. This all happened before we left the house at 10.30. And we don't get up early. This is approximately 45 minutes of time. The morning continued in this fashion. 

I have heard of a phenomenon called "the terrible two's". I hope this is it. I know he's not two yet. But sometimes, so I've heard, they come early... or late or at some time other than two. Two just was a good number to put "terrible" in front of. I can take this. If the terrible two's are worse than this, however, mama's gonna get herself a job and Caedmon is going to get himself a daycare. Beware daycare workers. Beware.

But honestly. I don't like being that person who says "no" all day. It's tiring and not fun and doesn't make one feel like all that good of a mom. But I suppose being a mom means not always being your child's favorite person and having to say "no" once in a while? Or more than that? And not decorating for Christmas. Because this: 

turns into this:

(To be fair it was probably the cat. I'm not actually sure. I was just trying to make a point.)

I'm sorry mom. For all the times I didn't listen. For all the times "no" seemed mean, but probably wasn't. For all the times you had to say it repeatedly because I thought I knew best. But thank you too. Because I think I maybe turned out ok. And I wouldn't blame most of the imperfections on you anyway... a couple of them maybe, but not most. 

1 comment:

Florence said...

Hang in there (I know, easy for me to say...I'm not the one saying 'No' all the time!!) You're a great Mom & he'll grow & learn...& yes, keep testing at times too. But it will stop too, don't worry. You DID turn out great...& he will too! :) One day at a time...with the Lord's help!! {{Hugs}}