Thursday 7 June 2012

Cutting the hair of a squirmy baby. There must be a lesson there.

I gave my Caed a hair cut today. He needed it. He was looking all scgraggaly and unloved. It is REALLY hard to cut his hair. He's a squirm monster. Constantly moving. And then you try to grab some hair to snip and he yanks his head away. But we went outside with an empty drinking box (do not ask me why this was so exciting) and some hair cutting scissors and sat down. He let me cut the very top of his head while he fake drank his invisible juice. 

That was enough of that and I was left with a mulletish (everyone pretend that's a word) son. Trying to be like daddy?

Long story short, we got it cut little by little while he picked new things to play with in the backyard. I'm glad he has curly hair, it hides the hack job that are the hair cuts he receives. It's also super cute when it actually decides to curl and not just 'flap' (flip up?). 

The house feels more home-like everyday. I finally threw all the tools that were on my island into a box and tossed the box into the pantry. So. Much. Better. The entire house feels less cluttered and more livable, thus giving me this luxurious, non-guilty feeling like I don't have to be constantly cleaning, renovating and unpacking. I can blog again! Play with Caed again! Have some pure cuddle time. As in not I'll cuddle with you for 2 minutes and then I have to get back to *insert any one of a long list of "to-do's"*. How nice. 

DO NOT BE DECEIVED! It is still a bit of a disaster! Caed's room is an night-mare. The once almost put together room has become a pile of clothes, furniture and toys... 

My granny and papa moved. Downsized to a condo. We got some really nice things from them including a dresser. It's wonderful! I'm refinishing and putting new hardware on it. Once done, it will be Caed's dresser and hopefully start to fix the tornado. Also, his closet is the source of the infamous and still leaky shower... so I can't hang anything in there. So, so sad.

It will happen. My dad came over last night, and between the three of us working hard and taking turns entertaining Caed we crossed off many things on the never-ending list of things that need to get done. The list is seeming less and less daunting everyday. 

Speaking of the list.....


Florence said...

You're a great mom....& blogger! :)

Unknown said...

Well you're really really nice.

Unknown said...

I love hearing about your house - so excited for you that's it's finally close to being done!!!