Sunday 3 June 2012

We Moved Into Our House

Tuesday most everything went into our house. It was raining though, so we stayed one more night at mom and dad's. I wasn't keen on sleeping on a wet mattress.  

Wednesday. We moved the mattress in the rain.

It didn't really get wet. Which was good. I think I would have been grumpy.

So we have been living here, at our house. We have gotten lots done. Sometimes it looks kind of clean. Most of the time it was a disaster. But that's fine. Sometimes. 

We have wieners for supper a lot. Because it's so nice to have a backyard and a fire pit. 

Darci came over on Friday. She painted my side door with coat number 2 of purple. It looks so good. So, so good. And then she chalked my wall. It looks wonderful. I also hung up a bunch of stuff. It looks nice, plus it gets it off my floor, which is also really nice. I like things to be clean. And look nice.

Josh built built-ins in our closet. It. Is. Amazing. I really, really wish I had a before picture of our room. I don't. You can kind of see a little bit of the mess in the first picture below. But it just doesn't do it justice. It was a huge mess. Huge. But now it looks great. So great. And tidy. And there is storage in our house! Yay!!

The washing machine now works! We can clean things. How lovely. So I did a bunch of laundry tonight, and hung it on the line. The really, really high clothes line, that I have to stand on a ladder to hang things on it. Must have been a thing way back when. Did they have a platform? Because it's not all that great without one. But it will do what it's supposed to. And because I don't have a drier that works right now it will have to. Plus the laundry will smell better.

The shower kind of works. I mean we have to run down and turn the water on and then run down after and turn the water off. Not exactly ideal. But we can clean ourselves. So that seems worth it. It would be nice if we could all bathe in the sink.

I installed hardware on my cupboards. Just on the doors first. I didn't get to the drawers. Which is super inconvenient because they're really hard to open. But we'll get to it. I picked out handles so I need two screws placed at an exact distance. And I failed at the first one, so I gave up for tonight. Tomorrow is another day.

Josh also installed the fan in Caed's room. Now we can turn it on and have a little white noise for the baby to sleep to. Sleep in your crib baby. Do it! Do it! It has a remote. Which is kind of cool and kind of scary. Cool, well, because it has a remote and no strings. Scary because, lets face it, remotes tend to get lost. That happens to other people right?!

I don't know what else to tell you. You can come see if you want. :)

Did I mention that we're actually living in our house?


Florence said...

So cool... So happy for you! (Can't blame you for not wanting to sleep on a wet mattress!) Yes, it would be convenient if you could all bathe in the sink, but it doesn't work, SO...... I'm very glad it works for Caed & he looks so cute in the sink! :) Everything looks great.

Jody said...

So wonderful! Good for you. And, we will be thrilled to see it soon!

Kendra said...

Our fan that has a remote also has a nifty remote holder that is attached to the wall. A thought to ponder.

Kaitlan Robertson said...

Love it all!! Especially your closet .... I think I said it before but it looks beyond good.... U should paint your walls like that :)

kbl said...

And your hair is purple!!! ~kbl :D