Wednesday 25 April 2012

Houses and more important things

I thought I should probably post something here. Actually the most exciting thing that's happening is how well my baby is walking. He's almost there. So soon he's going to be walking everywhere. I'm not sure how it's going to change life. He already crawls at ridiculously fast speeds and gets into everything. But maybe I'm just being optimistic. I'm excited to see him walking. He claps whenever he gets to where he wants to go. Hilarious. I'm also really sad my boy is growing up so fast. And changing, like every minute. It's also wonderful. I love my kisses and hugs and my heart is happy whenever he says mamamamama, even when he's not talking to me. "Dis", "dis" (this, this). That's what we all listen to everyday all day. As he points at everything. All day. But it's fun. Also throwing things. Everything. All things. We need to start channeling his throwing abilities. Because he's really good at it, but it hurts if it's not a ball.

So our house. Our house is looking more and more house like, livable in and pretty everyday. The living room/hallway/kitchen is all painted. I have one more coat of chalk board paint to put up and then we'll officially be owners of a magnetic chalk board wall. I think it's neat. I hope Caed will too. The living room and hallway have flooring. So pretty. So just the kitchen and our room left to floor. And only our room left to paint. We actually might live there some day. 

The end of May Dar has to make a trip to Calgary... for school or, you know, something. But I like to call it our Ikea trip. Because we're going to go to Ikea. And I'm going to buy things. Namely a shelf/pantry thing for my bathroom (mess be hidden!) and some other this and that items. Vote: ceiling fan in the bed room or pretty light fixture? I'm leaning towards pretty light fixture, but my practical side (it shrinks when the alternative is pretty) says I should get a ceiling fan. Or maybe that was Josh talking? 

My brothers are helping out once again. So while I'm writing about the house, they're actually at the house. Hauling drywall downstairs. Hanging drywall? I would know if I went. They are so lovely. And I didn't go because I am, for two weeks, a working woman. Ok, it's only in the mornings and it is only for two weeks. But I feel tired. And I miss my boy more than I thought I would, like a lot, which is silly because I'm not gone that long, but it's true. He's too wonderful. Also, I can't lift drywall. I'm a wimp. I stayed home.

I have no pictures of the house. I apologize. I shall leave you with a picture of my son eating a banana. 

Cute and hilarious, right?! Wait 'til he gives you an open mouth kiss. You'll love that slobbery mess.


Florence said...

Caed certainly is getting around well....& it will only get better..& quicker!! :) He's such a cutie! :) Enjoy your time with him. So where have you been working??

You've come a LONG way with your house - & soon you'll be in there!! I'm sure it's hard to believe. Can't wait to see the finished product!!

PS It's nice to have a pic of Caed. :)

Kaitlan Robertson said...

Yayyyyy walking is so fun.... Soon he'll play basketball like mommy?? Where are u working at?

Kendra said...

I vote pretty light fixture! We have a ceiling fan in our room that Brad LOVES and I hate...I can't sleep with noise, and it's noisy, hence it doesn't get used. I would rather have a pretty light fixture. Please let me live vicariously through you!

Unknown said...

I have been filling in at Green Thumb. Basically answering phones, and then a few other things to be helpful. :)

Unknown said...

I hope so. A mom can dream. :) And I'm answering phones at a Landscape company where my mother used to work.