Tuesday 1 May 2012

No progress... like at all.

Well. I have no updates on the house. Life has been busy. On Friday we were supposed to have family dinner. We didn't. But we still stayed home. Because that seemed like more fun. On Saturday we actually had family dinner. Happy Birthday Jodi! And Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Sunday, well we stayed home and ate parent sponsored and delivered blizzards. Cookie dough is still my favorite. It was in chocolate ice cream though. Which was a little different. And last night I gotst dunked. Ok, baptized. And it was pretty cool. My silly eyes cried. Testimonies and mentioning babies. Too hard for my over-emotional brain. And today, well, we're sick. I'm almost over it. But Josh is down for the count. So I didn't go without him. I didn't want him to feel left out? Fine! I'm lazy! Are you happy? I admit it. 

I did find enough energy to make my hair purple though. Just a little chunk. I think it's wonderful. My mama doesn't agree. But I like it. 

And my baby. Obviously. Center of my freaking world! Because he's so wonderful. And cute. And never-ending entertaining. He says 'uff'. Any guesses? What does a puppy say? "Uff!" So cute. I think he's just the best. You can choose to disagree. Oh my babe. He also sings a lot. "Dadadada". And is still a pointing champion.

The little man does not like going to bed at night lately. Which makes for a tired mom. That coupled with this whole working business. Getting up at 7:20? I thought 8:30 was early enough. Also, I definitely should have appreciated my sleep more pre-baby. I won't lie, I took advantage of weekends more than I'd like to admit. 11:00 anyone? Oh yes. That is a.m... after turn. 12+ hours of sleep was normal and there were not interruptions. I'm sure my pillow thinks I'm cheating on it. I kind of am. But not on purpose. I'm sorry pillow, please forgive me. (Please note: I realize many people in many places get up at 7:20 always. And they never slept more than 12 hours ever. I am a wimp. I know this. Sleep and me go way back. We're tight. I miss it. Stop judging me, it's not nice.)

Hmm, so, our house is, well, no closer to being done... but we're all still smiling, in the moments between feeling ill... But for real. Life is good. And maybe someday soon my son will sleep through the night consistently. 

Well we can dream...


jannafaye said...

cookie dough blizzards are what i always get - i just can't make myself try another kind when its so good! i think they have gradually switched to chocolate ice cream in them, which is good by me!

i SO wish i was there for your baptism - it kills me a little inside that i wasn't. :'( i was thinking of you yesterday!

PURPLE HAIR! YES! i just redid mine. love it. you're a cool mom.

finally, sleep. my main deterrent from procreating at the moment. i love to sleep and could easily do 10+ hours a night. i might die when i have kids!! i remember at any given time of the day in first yr coming to your room and finding you and/or mae passed out on your beds. mae, always holding an open history textbook. hahaha! great times.

marathon commment. love ya.

Florence said...

Aw...sorry you aren't feeling well. Missed seeing you today (& your purple hair!!!! YAY!!!) :) But loved seeing your baby & Mom!! :) Yup, he's such a cutie. I will pray he starts sleeping through the night SOON so you can too!! Sleep is SO important - trust me, I know!! lol
It was an honour to witness your baptism & hear your testimony last night. I'm SO glad to be getting to know you - you're a gem. :) (We're all being refined by the Lord!)
Take care of yourself, my friend. Hope you all feel better SOON.
Love you & praying for you.

Alison Wonderland said...

I didn't get a chance to say congratulations last night at your baptism. You did great. I hope you feel better soon and I'm looking forward to seeing your house at Caed's birthday party!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your baptism! So great. Also, I hope that you get some sleep soon. I do not function well without it - neither should you!

Unknown said...

It was good once I determined it really was cookie dough and not some imposter.

Thank you for thinking of me. :) I wish you were there but totally understand you couldn't be.

Thank you again. I try.

History textbooks are perfect to fall asleep to. Also, kids are pretty cool and your body, somehow, gets used to much much less sleep whether you want to admit it or not. It's totally worth it. Your pillow may disagree.

Marathon reply. Obviously I love you back.

Unknown said...

Thanks Flo. I'm feeling so much better. 100% even. And Josh's 12 hours of sleep last night seemed to fix him right up too! So we're a healthy family once again.

I definitely miss moms and tots. And my morning cuddles with the boy. My little is sleeping in past when his mama need to leave. But this will be over soon I believe. And then you'll get to see my lovely face on Tuesday mornings once again. And more importantly I will see yours.

I was soooo happy you were there on Monday night. :) It really meant a lot to see you in the crowd. And obviously the hug after was much appreciated.

Unknown said...

Like! (Too much facebook maybe? I should have said "You make me laugh, thank you.")