Wednesday 23 May 2012

Couter tops.

It was the weekend for my husband. Which meant lots got done. Aaaalmost enough that we can move in. Almost. 

We did lots of trim. We did lots of plumbing. And we did lots of getting ready to live there. 

On Friday we went and started doing trim, Josh worked more on plumbing and I well, I mopped. Again. 

On Saturday we did more stuff. The same stuff. 

On Sunday I got to play in the sandbox. Score!! Our babysitters went on a vacation, so I played with Caed while Josh worked. Not that he's not used to that... it's basically how this house renovation has gotten done. 

Monday. Dad came home. And dad fixed the plumbing Josh was having trouble with. We can shower!!

They also moved the counter top up. So exciting. I think it looks so great! It was also really, really heavy. Really heavy. I didn't even attempt, because, lets face it, a big slab of concrete does not seem like something I could ever, would ever, want to, be able to lift. So dad and Josh were on it. Yay! 

 Taking a break before the final heave-ho. It was long trip up the stairs. Good work out anyway.

 It looks even better with a tap!

I know I say this every other post. But it's really, actually starting to look like a house. 

I've even been hanging pictures on the wall. I can't plumb, and the shelving required using a big saw thing that scares me, so I avoided that too... that left picture hanging and other fun stuff like that, to so. Floating shelves anyone?! Oh yes. Floating shelves. The unfortunate part about me trying to do stuff on my own is that more often than I'd like to admit, I require Josh to help. Ashley hanging up a floating shelf in the living room - "could you just help me quick to mark out where I need to drill?" "I can't get the anchors in, could you just help quick?" "Can you drill this one... I made the holes uneven, and can't seem to screw it in." "Oh look! Doesn't that shelf look great?!" Oh yes, he put up the shelf. Even when I was doing it on my own he was just standing there cringing. I must make it look awkward, or difficult or all of the above. 

 Ignore the lack of trim around the floor. Do notice - pictures hung, trim around the window, general room arrangement.

 I hung that floating shelf above the toilet without help! Boo ya. There is also a toilet paper holder and a towel bar hung. Not that you can see them in the picture, so you'll just have to trust me.

Have I mentioned how great my kid is lately? Because he played like a trooper in our gross, messy, dangerous house with few toys. He even helped me mop. What a sweetie.



Florence said...

You're doing a great job teaching your 'kid' to help with the housework so young! lol Looks like he's doing a good job too! :)
Everything is looking great - can't wait to see the 'finished' or at least...moved in... look.
I so enjoy your blogs - keep 'em coming. :)

Brandi Friesen Thorpe said...


Jody said...

Are the counter tops smooth? I am so interested in them and can't wait to see your house.

Unknown said...

Decently. When we seal them we'll use a poxy of sorts to smooth out the imperfections. Because there are dips and grooves, although it feels smooth because he used his grinder to grind it down.