Saturday 5 May 2012

shiney, clean floors

The floors are in! The floors are in! Guys, did you hear? We finished our floors upstairs. 

Just saying.

So that's pretty wonderful. Really wonderful.

Then my momma and I went back this evening and cleaned. And cleaned. And swept the floor. And mopped the floor. And moved some stuff and swept and mopped. And mopped and swept. You get the pictures. The is so so much dust. That's what you get for dry-walling. Phff. I foresee much sweeping, mopping and dusting in my future.
So worth it. I'm only a tiny bit sad about it. Because I'm mostly really happy that we were able to re-drywall and re-insulate everything. We hopefully be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter and be able to put a little bit in our savings account. Lovely. So I will dust and remind myself to smile.

And my father and husband (lovely, lovely men) were, well, finishing floors, put up lights (which led to grumpy words at Debbie Travis...) and, most importantly, getting more drywall up in the basement. They're getting 'er. That should be done soon too! Crazy.

Sad news. My really cool, wonderful, you should all be a little jealous shower head I ordered off Ebay did not come with a tub faucet... so back to Home Depot we go to pick something up. We'll save it to use in our someday bathroom downstairs, but until then it will be sad in the basement. Lonely and not cleaning me.

Most excitingly, I got to place things in my cupboards where they belong. I am so happy with my cupboards and my kitchen (she says before the concrete counter-top adventure). So putting my baking supplies away (where did it all go before??? So. Many. Ingredients.) I dreamed of actually baking things. Did I say excited?! I'll bake you something when I move in. And I'll make you coffee. And we can chat. 

I didn't take pictures because I was too busy actually helping. Sorry.


Brynne said...

Oh I'm so stoked to hear about your concrete counter top adventure! I've wanted them ever since I saw them on the good ol' internet. I might someday hire you and Josh to come out to Winnipeg and make my countertops for me :P

Florence said...

SO exciting - I can hear it in your voice!! lol The end is in sight! YAY!! I look forward to visiting you in your house & having coffee with you. :) I've said it've put SO much into this'll LOVE your HOME. :)