Friday 18 May 2012

Has it Been a Week Already?

Ok, not quite. But tomorrow will have been so I better post now. 

6 days ago we celebrated my baby's first birthday. 3 days ago we celebrated it again. Because he's spoiled. And super wonderful. And moms and tots is on Tuesdays and I thought it would be fun to do one outside. Also, all I ever talk about is our house, so I thought, "Hey, people should just come over and see it." So it was kind of a double win. Not to mention I have the best mom in the world and she helped an incredible amount to make the two parties possible. I would have gone nutty had I done it alone.

My babe turning one was pretty cool. We did a monster theme. Had a few friends and the family over. It was lots of fun. We roasted wieners. And ate cake. And opened presents. And then people started leaving, but the lucky few who decided they enjoyed my company enough to stay (namely family, because they're stuck with me and have to love me no matter what) got to have what I will call here "Super S'mores." And they WERE super. 

Pintrest anyone? Not only has pintrest inspired many small details, and paint colors, and other fun things, in my house, it also has plethora of other, non-house related, ideas. Such as Super S'mores. (Only they mistakenly did not call them that.) The Super S'more, my friend, is a delicious treat. It is all the goodness of a s'more and a little bit more. It is different, yet better. Quite wonderful even.

Curious yet?

Take a waffle cone. Throw in some marshmallows, some chocolate and anything else of your choice, we did strawberries. We also did without strawberries. Wrap it in tinfoil. Melt that chocolate and those marshmallows over a fire. Enjoy. And you will. Because I didn't name them Super S'mores until after I had eaten one. MMMM. Try it. So worth it. SUPER S'MORE! There will be many, many more of those to come this summer. And if you ever decide to trek out to see me, and you stay long enough to make a fire, I promise we will try them.

Also, has anyone seen those giant marshmallow's that they have out and about this year? So fun!! I bought some of those to try too. A review on that to come.

Caed was spoiled like crazy on his birthday. SO MANY GIFTS. He is clearly loved. Thank you everyone who gave him something. You are all so kind to our family.

Monster Cake. The eyeballs were too heavy though. We ended up putting marshmallows up the sticks to make them stay.

 It was also a rainbow cake. Fun!

 Playing with sidewalk chalk while the girls played with the doll house.

 The balloons were one of the best things at the party to play with.


 More playing. Melissa (and family) gave us this slide, because they outgrew it. So nice of them. Caed loves it!

More eating!
 Pop up cards are way better than opening presents.

 Every time!

 Getting help opening presents. To be so lucky- three beautiful girls to help you, Caed. I'm quite certain you did not appreciate this as much as you should have.

 Finally getting the hang of opening gifts.

 Bouncy ball from Uncle Cool.. err... Josh

A bouncy cow from Aunty Jodi and Uncle Curtis. So fun!
You will notice there are no pictures of the Caed with his cake (although there is one of him eating cake). We tried to set the cake and him in his high chair, with a messy cake picture in mind... he just cried. So that was a no go.

One more to leave this off. Darci playing in the sandbox beside Caed. (Notice a deliberate "beside" and not "with." Quote: "These tonka trucks are awesome!")



Jody said...

That looks like a very fun way to celebrate being one!

Florence said...

NOW you tell us about the Super S'mores!!! Had you told us what was to come we might have stayed!!1 LOL Sorry - it wasn't the company that caused us to leave.... but we just might have to come back for another fire time!!! :)
It was a very cool party for a one-year old. Lots of fun! Thanks for the invitation. We were honoured. You are loved. xo

Unknown said...

Oh no! You'll definitely have to come back for super s'mores. I'm sorry I withheld information that night of the party. :)